Curriculum Contest
Abbreviated Rules
A. Student Eligibility
The student must be currently enrolled in the subject in which they are competing. An exception will be made if the school does not offer the subject but the student prepares through independent study.
A student may enter a contest in which they have previously placed if still enrolled in that subject.
Foreign exchange students may enter contests. They may not enter a contest for their native language.
Students may not enter a contest for which they are currently receiving or have received college credit.
A student may enter any number of contests for which they are eligible as the schedule permits.
Eighth graders may enter a contest if they are enrolled in that subject.
B. School Competition Criteria
School contest divisions are determined by the ADM figures published by the Secondary School Activities Association. Divisions are as follows:
Division 1 ADM Academic Bowl ranking A
Division 2 ADM Academic Bowl ranking 2A
Division 3 ADM Academic Bowl ranking 3A
Division 4 ADM Academic Bowl ranking 4A
Division 5 ADM Academic Bowl ranking 5A or greater
These rankings are published on the
OSSAA website
A school may enter no more than 2 students per contest. Some contests are limited to one student.
Medals will be awarded to students as follows:
1st Place - Gold
2nd Place - Silver
3rd Place - Bronze
School trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for each division based on total points per contest: 1st place is worth 5 points, 2nd place is worth 3 points, and 3rd place is worth 1 point.
Students who place first, second, or third in equivalent contests will be eligible to enter the
Oklahoma High School Tournament of Champions
C. Administration of Exams
Students are required to write their name, school, and division on the Scantron form at test time. Students should bring a pencil to the contest.
Failure to correctly fill out the form will disqualify the student from that contest.
There are 3 test periods starting at 9:30, 10:30, and 11:30. A student may be entered in all three periods.
Each contest has an allotted time of 50 minutes. 10 minutes is allowed for students to move from one contest to the next. Please request well in advance any special arrangements.
The content of the exams is described in this bulletin. Content in most areas is comparable to the Oklahoma PASS.
Contest results will be available shortly after the last contest.
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